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Anger Issues


"I am an angry person", "I am very explosive", and "I get easily angry", among others, are the comments we hear from many of the people with whom we work. Many of them feel that anger controls their lives, their relationships, and their decisions... Do you relate to this?


Anger is a natural emotion. We were all created with the ability to feel and express all kinds of emotions, including anger. In a moderate amount, anger can be healthy because it allows us to express how we feel and even find solutions to some problems. However, feeling heavy or intense anger can be detrimental to you. Perhaps you say things you don't mean, make decisions without thinking carefully about the alternatives or consequences, or have constant difficulties in your relationships because of anger.


We would like you to know that difficulties in managing anger have different causes, such as, not having learned to regulate your emotions early in life, having suffered abuse from your parents, and bullying, among others. But the good news is that there is a psychological treatment for anger management. We can help you manage anger more effectively so that you feel happier with your life, see your relationships improve and you make more thoughtful decisions.


Let us help you have a more fulfilled and happier life!






Do you describe yourself as anxious, a worrier, or an overthinker? You might be feeling tense, worried, and having physical changes due to suffering from anxiety. Perhaps you are having intrusive thoughts such as “I am not good enough”, “I am going to fail”, and “things are going to get worse”, among others, and you have a sense of lack of control over those thoughts. Maybe you have tried a lot of things to get rid of anxious feelings and thoughts, but trying to fight with all of that on your own, has been very distressing. This might be interfering with (or impacting) the perception of past experiences, management of work or daily life stress, your relationships, and your vision of the future. Does that sound familiar to you? 


Maybe you feel out of control because you do not know how to manage your highly intense anxiety. Perhaps you are avoiding situations, people, or places that increase anxiety and this is impacting your daily life functioning. Or you are having physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness, or a rapid heartbeat. This sounds very hard, but there is help for it. We can understand that your thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms are affecting your present. However, we believe that with the appropriate treatment and skills you can get more control over your life.  


At New Hope Psychology Center we can help you acquire the skills you need to decrease the anxiety you are feeling. You do not need to live with anxiety. Anxiety can be overcome with the right skills that you are going to learn during therapy. If you want to live a calmer life and have peace of mind, do not hesitate and schedule a free consultation with us.



Are you feeling hopeless about your life and your future? Maybe you are feeling so down and sad that it was a huge step for you to start looking for help. That is a sign of strength. You are going through a tough time, you might not see any hope but you are here. Our admiration with you! 


Perhaps you have heard the word depression a lot of times but now you are wondering if you might be depressed. If during the last 2 weeks or more, you have been feeling down or you have stopped doing things that you really loved doing, you might be feeling depressed. Maybe you went through a hard breakup, lost your job, moved, or have relationship issues and these events or experiences are impacting your mood and interfering with the activities of daily life. 


Are you presenting any pain, weight loss or gain, sleeping pattern disruptions, or lack of energy? If you are depressed, these symptoms could be part of the depressive episode. You may also experience an inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. If you are experiencing thoughts of death or suicide please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately so a health professional can assist and direct you to the appropriate treatment you need. 


Fortunately, we can help you overcome depression. There are evidence-based treatments that have demonstrated their effectiveness in treating depression. We are here to help you find hope again! We would like to support you find happiness and purpose. Let us help you!



You may be wondering if what you are feeling is normal or natural after the loss or change you are going through. You might be thinking, is this a pathological condition or a personality disorder? Feelings such as sadness, anger, frustration, emotional pain, regret, or guilt are normal and natural. Grief is when you have those feelings after the death of a loved one, a divorce, loss of faith, loss of a career, or loss of health, among others. 


If you are going through a divorce possibly you are grieving that person. Grief is realizing that now, when you want to reach out to that person that has been there for, you discover that you can’t go to them for help or comfort anymore. 


Maybe you are thinking “but what happens when I am grieving that someone has never been there for me?” You can grieve someone that has not died. Grief is also the feeling you have when you realize that someone you love or you would think is supposed to be there for you has never accomplished that role in your life. Or, grieving is as well the feelings you have toward that person that was supposed to demonstrate love to you, and when you think about him or her you just see negative moments and even maltreatment. That person is unavailable to you, and you feel that constant emotional pain.


“Grief is the feeling of reaching out for someone who has never been there for me, only to discover when I need them one more time, they still aren’t there for me.”


We all experience and express grief in a unique way and in our own time. “Everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace.” You are going to grieve based on your personal relationship with who or what was lost. Also, as each person and relationship is different, you are going to deal with each loss in a different way. 


At New Hope Psychology Center we can help you grieve in a healthy way so you can process and manage the feelings, thoughts, and memories you are having regarding your loss. There are evidence-based treatments to work with grief. You are not alone in this process! We would like to accompany you in your healing journey!



If you are reading this is because you might have gone through a terrible event like an accident, sexual abuse, or natural disaster. Trauma is the emotional response we have after those events or any terrible event, although not everybody goes through the same feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. An event could have impacted you in a very different way than it impacted other people around you. So please note that your experience is unique and while we work with you we will keep it in mind. 


After the event, you could have felt shocked or in denial, and now you might be having unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea. These feelings are normal, however, you might be having difficulties moving on with your life. 


We can help you find hope and learn the skills you need to manage how you are feeling and reacting to the memories of the event. You are not alone in this process. We want to accompany you and create a safe place where you can feel better.

Complex Trauma


We would like to add that complex trauma is the exposition of multiple traumatic events throughout your life. Perhaps you went through emotional, verbal, physical, and/or sexual abuse during your childhood. Maybe you grew up in a family where there was a lack of affection, love, validation, and compassion. Or you were raised in a family where emotions were not important or relevant to your development and that impacted the way you see the world, others, and yourself. 


We are here to help you find compassion, empathy, and validation in your life. We understand that going through these experiences affected your self-esteem and worldview but we know this can be modified through therapy. You do not need to spend your life not loving yourself or feeling anger toward the people that hurt you. You can transform your life and we would like to help you achieve it!



Relationship conflicts are more common than we might think. Difficulties in communication, anger management, raising children, and sexual life are some of the concerns that individuals we work with have. Maybe you relate to these problems, or you are feeling that your trust in the relationship is broken due to past experiences or infidelity. Or possibly, you are feeling unloved or unwanted and it is hard to believe that your relationship can get better or that you can feel loved again. 


Couples therapy can help your find the right tools to improve your relationship. Not having the right tools to manage these issues could affect the stability of the couple and receiving therapy is a great option to regain stability, trust, and happiness in your relationship. Couples therapy works! You and your partner will learn the skills you need to change the behaviors that are hurting your relationship and create the positive relationship you deserve.



The challenges of addressing problems in family dynamics can be exhausting and frustrating without psychological help. Difficulties in communication between members, problems in managing children's behavior, and lack of boundaries and structure among family members are some of the difficulties that psychological treatment can help deal with. Also, separation processes or adjustments in reconstructed families can cause distress in families and having a safe place to discuss concerns is a wonderful opportunity for the family. 


At New Hope Psychology Center we provide hope for family members by developing healthy dynamics in managing family conflicts. If you would like to see your family recover from miscommunication, separation, and lack of boundaries, among others, please schedule an appointment with us. You can have a healthy family! You deserve to be happy!

Familia feliz
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